
Welcome to multiple languages space for words...
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Escritores/Auteurs/Yazarlar/Writers (in order of appearance;)):

Taty, woman from Brazil; Jards, man from France; Elias, man from Turkey

Texts in english

The torment of the patriarchal society / Patriarchal Chaos... (published on 15 april 2010)

I cannot eat! I cannot sleep anymore!
Now,How can I explain the torment of living in such a silly,”patriarchal” society?
Yes,maybe writing is the best way to be unwound.Maybe I’ve choosen the winding road!

There is nothing to do for myself.There’s nothing to soothe!I cannot get pleasure from the things made me pleased before.This unsoluble problem is getting spread over my soul,over my sanity day by day with a stedy roll! This situation makes me away from people.Day by day I’m getting lonely.
I cannot detect what they feel,what they think they dont feel like me.

How difficult to fall into a love! How difficult to feel what you are! How difficult to be what you are here!
What can be more natural to fall in love,to kiss,to hold hands? But this society is very scant to understand this.
“They seem to be a poplar,swinging through the mild wind!” For them,everything is alright!
This is the world of “normal”people.Yes,there is a world for me also.But not here!
Today,one more time,I saw we don’t have any seat in this world according to “supposedly” holy book.The explain of it couldn’t exceed 2 selfish sentences... “”Overstep the limits””
Seriously sad...
Anyway,dears,today the words don’t want to be outside anymore...

Elias, written on thursday 15 april 2010. Translated in english by Elias

Little demon (tuesday, 13 april 2010)

A baby of one month old, but not mine [in french, « month » and « mine » have the same pronounciation, hein! I cannot translate my bad « joke »].
The baby. Not just any baby, but i will not tell you here why.
This afternoon i got her in my arms (yes, it's « she »:)), this afternoon i touched her. She held tight my index which i slipped into her miniature fingers. She would have done it with anybody, but i am not one of those who neglects communication. The hand of an infant, among the things we can understand by eyesight, is something outstanding for me, and i told it to "congratulations-to-u" parents. Of course, the auricle and eyes are also interesting. The frown of eyebrows neither followed by waking up, nor even by a vague groan or by the laborious lifing up of one eyelid is already a sign of revealing of feelings while crying factory is in a deep sleep.
But those fingers with those phalanxes' bends....We realise visually the wonders which life, God, or what/who you want, is able to do. 3 millimeters nails which one day will be covered by the nail polish stolen from mama, trimmed by a dreamer- teenager, or who knows what else?
But it's not necessary to wait for years to come. You react to my contact, little being, and while u are leaving me, the wish that your future would be as nice as the pleasure i had while receiving you at my dwelling, crossed my mind. Already benefactress when 1 month old...happily you will make up for it by multiple wrongdoings! See you soon homo spes, « uncle » Jards always needs brighter and more experienced people to avoid traps! ;)

Jards, written on tuesday 19 april 2010, translated in english by Jards with the BIG help of Olga (let's say it would not have been comprehensible without her:)).

Composer (sunday, 04 april 2010)

Today, I receveid an invitation for start a new blog.
And after I said “yes”, I thought: write about what?
At that time, a word came to my mind: composer. And it came this way, in French, maybe because invitation came from Jards, who is French.
But I had my doubts about the meaning of this word and, before start writing, I decided something, I decided to check on a dictionary. And I found this:

*Composer means to compose, to form, to produce, to invent.*

Write about what, I asked myself. That would be the answer so? Just to produce, to invent, to compose something, anything! “Composer”, so. Make a blog full of options and ideas, about everything or nothing.

Well, maybe it’s not original, but it’s a good beginning (what a modesty). And about beginnings, I know a lot.

Today, I learnt what means “composer” and I learnt that to compose is not to know since beginning about what you will write, but just do it, let word runs free and alive and see what happens.


Atlantic ocean separate us as a lot of ideas, I suppose, but now there’s something that unite us somehow and it can unite more people: this blog, a space for words.

It’s your time now. Put your hands to work! Write!
